AMBER 24 update 1



Amber24 update 1, AmberTools 24 update 2

Build Environment

  • GCC 13.1.1 (gcc-toolset-13)
  • CUDA 12.4 update 1
  • OpenMPI 4.1.6 (CUDA-aware)
  • MKL 2024.1
  • (Gaussian 16 C.02; used for QM/MM tests)

Files Required

  • Amber24.tar.bz2
  • AmberTools24.tar.bz2
  • patch-cmake-python : replace miniconda with miniforge

--- cmake/UseMiniconda.cmake.orig       2024-04-27 04:56:41.000000000 +0900
+++ cmake/UseMiniconda.cmake    2024-06-06 13:12:23.000000000 +0900
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@
       # location to download the installer to
       # If we've already downloaded the installer, use it.    

Build Procedure



MINIFORGE_VERSION="latest" # ad hoc custom version

# amber24 + AmberTools24


module -s purge
module -s load gcc-toolset/13
module -s load openmpi/4.1.6/gcc13-cuda12.4u1
module -s load cuda/12.4u1
module -s load mkl/2024.1
module -s load gaussian/16c02

export LANG=C
export LC_ALL=C
ulimit -s unlimited

# install directory has to be prepared before running this script
if [ ! -d $WORKDIR ]; then
 echo "Create $WORKDIR before running this script."
 exit 1

# build directory must be empty
if [ "$(ls -A $WORKDIR)" ]; then
 echo "Target directory $WORKDIR not empty"
 exit 2
# install directory must be empty
if [ "$(ls -A $INSTALL_DIR)" ]; then
 echo "Target directory $INSTALL_DIR not empty"
 exit 2

# prep files
if [ -d amber${VERSION}_src ]; then
 mv -f amber${VERSION}_src amber_erase
 rm -rf amber_erase &

tar xf ${TARBALL_DIR}/Amber${VERSION}.tar.bz2
tar xf ${TARBALL_DIR}/AmberTools${TOOLSVERSION}.tar.bz2

# prep python and update
cd amber${VERSION}_src
export AMBERHOME=${WORKDIR}/amber${VERSION}_src

sed -i -e "1s/env python/env python3/" update_amber
python3 ./update_amber --update
yes | python3 ./update_amber --upgrade # reserved; there are no upgrades now
python3 ./update_amber --update

patch -p0 < $PATCHX

# CPU serial with installation of tests
echo "[CPU serial edition]"
mkdir build_cpu_serial && cd build_cpu_serial
cmake .. \
make -j${PARALLEL} install && make clean
cd ../ && rm -rf build_cpu_serial

# mark its origin at installation directory
ln -s ./miniconda ./miniforge

cd ${WORKDIR}/amber${VERSION}_src

# reuse installed python
eval "$(${INSTALL_DIR}/miniforge/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"

# CUDA, serial, gcc
echo "[GPU serial edition]"
mkdir build_gpu_serial && cd build_gpu_serial
cmake .. \
   -DANACONDA_BIN=${INSTALL_DIR}/miniforge/bin \
make -j${PARALLEL} install && make clean
cd ../ && rm -rf build_gpu_serial

# GPU parallel
echo "[GPU parallel edition]"
mkdir build_gpu_parallel && cd build_gpu_parallel
cmake .. \
   -DANACONDA_BIN=${INSTALL_DIR}/miniforge/bin \
make -j${PARALLEL} install && make clean
cd ../ && rm -rf build_gpu_parallel

# CPU openmp
echo "[CPU openmp edition]"
mkdir build_cpu_openmp && cd build_cpu_openmp
cmake .. \
   -DANACONDA_BIN=${INSTALL_DIR}/miniforge/bin \
make -j${PARALLEL} install && make clean
cd ../ && rm -rf build_cpu_openmp

# CPU mpi (don't build mpi+openmp version)
echo "[CPU parallel edition]"
mkdir build_cpu_parallel && cd build_cpu_parallel
cmake .. \
   -DANACONDA_BIN=${INSTALL_DIR}/miniforge/bin \
make -j${PARALLEL} install && make clean
cd ../ && rm -rf build_cpu_parallel

# ad hoc fix for python interpreter path
# FixCondaShebang does not work for some files on this system...
# (not due to symbolic links)
for f in bin/* miniconda/bin/*; do
 if [ -f $f ]; then
   $(head -n 1 $f | grep -q -- "^#\!.*python")
   if [ $? == 0 ]; then
     sed -i -e 2i"#!${INSTALL_DIR}/miniconda/bin/python" -e 1d $f
# pdb2pqr has a different problem...
sed -i -e 3i"'''exec' ${INSTALL_DIR}/miniconda/bin/python '\$0' '\$@'" -e 2d bin/pdb2pqr

# run tests (not gpu ones)
# now, $AMBERHOME should be $INSTALL_DIR

# parallel tests first
export DO_PARALLEL="mpirun -np 2"

make test.parallel && make clean.test

export DO_PARALLEL="mpirun -np 4"
cd test; make test.parallel.4proc; make clean; cd ../


# openmp tests
make test.openmp && make clean.test

# serial tests
make test.serial && make clean.test

After the installation, CUDA, Open MPI, and MKL settings were added to "" and "amber.csh" files.


GPU tests have been performed with the following script (on ccgpu).



module -s purge
module -s load gcc-toolset/13
module -s load openmpi/4.1.6/gcc13-cuda12.4u1
module -s load cuda/12.4u1
module -s load mkl/2024.1
module -s load gaussian/16c02

export LANG=C
export LC_ALL=C
ulimit -s unlimited

# run tests

make clean.test

## gpu tests
export DO_PARALLEL="mpirun -np 2"
make test.cuda.parallel && make clean.test # DPFP
cd test; ./ SPFP; make clean; cd ../
make test.cuda.serial && make clean.test # DPFP
cd test; ./ SPFP; make clean && cd ../

Test logs can be found at /apl/amber/24u1/logs. (Note: log of 4 processes tests are not available there. All the tests have passed without problem.) For GPU tests, there are some non-negligible failures (e.g. pbsa_cuda_cg in test_at_cuda_serial). Other minor numerical issues are not listed here.

  • pbsa_cuda_cg: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. (at_cuda serial)
    • The calculation (minimization) itself was completed. There would be something wrong at the termination of process?
    • The same error happened for gcc10+cuda12.0 binary.
  • cuda/gb_ala3 (irest1_ntt2_igb1_ntc2): significant error on 11 or later steps? vrand=10 may be related to this issue? (SPFP, DPFP)
  • cuda/4096wat (vrand): significant error on 6 or later steps? vrand=5 may be related to this issue? (SPFP, DPFP)
  • cuda/4096wat_oct (pure_wat_oct_nvt_ntt2): significant error on 6 or later steps? This also has vrand=5. (SPFP, DPFP)
  • cuda/RAMD: wrong comparison? There might be changes in output file format? (SPFP, DPFP)


  • Tested only with gcc-13 + cuda-12.4u1. We didn't try other settings for this version.
    • (gcc10+cuda12.0 (without MPI) was briefly checked for pbsa_cuda_cg problem above. There were no notable differences.)
  • Shebang fix for bin/ and miniconda/bin files with FixCondaShebang does not work well for some of files. We thus do it by ourselves.
    • Symbolic link in the working directory path is one of the cause of this glitches. There would be some additional issues?
    • bin/pdb2pqr is not a target of FixCondaShebang. We should fix it by ourselves. (Is there any reason why it shouldn't be a python script?)
  • lio, mbx, plumed are not tested.
  • There seems to be no disadvantage to CUDA-aware MPI. We thus employed that.
  • For MVAPICH2GDR_GPU_DIRECT_COMM, it seems to require CUDA-aware MPI and GPU Direct RDMA for this purpose (according to the source code). We may be able to try this without MVAPICH2-GDR.
    • PMEMD was built with Open MPI 4.1.6 (CUDA-aware) + cuda 12.4u1. The related source code (src/pmemd/src/cuda/gpu.cpp) was manually modified.
    • Tested on JAC and STMV systems using two GPUs on separate nodes.
    • Adding "--mca btl_openib_want_cuda_gdr 1" or/and "--mca btl_openib_cuda_rdma_limit 100000" option to "mpirun" do not help. (The former one is already enabled in the default setting according to "ompi_info --all")
    • Adding "--mca btl_openib_have_driver_gdr 1" (default value is false) option does not help, either.
      • There may be something wrong in our system, since "btl_openib_have_driver_gdr" parameter is false in the output of "ompi_info --all".
    • We didn't try mvapich2-gdr. GB calculations are not tried.
    • We decided not to enable this flag based on the results above.