
Research papers and other publications containing results obtained on RCCS should include proper acknowledgment to RCCS. The acknowledgement text must involve "Project ID" and name of this center, "Research Center for Computational Science". "NIBB" and "NIPS" must be added for Basic Biology and Physiological field projects, respectively. 

How to write acknowledgement text

Project ID format is (fiscal year in two digits)-IMS-C(receipt number in 3-digits) (e.g. 23-IMS-C987). This number is assigned when the project is approved. In case of Basic Biology and Physiological Sciences projects, NIBB (National Institute for Basic Biology) and NIPS (National Institute for Physiological Sciences) must also be added, respectively.

Example acknowledgment texts for Project ID 23-IMS-C987 are listed below.

Molecular Science field

The computation was performed using Research Center for Computational Science, Okazaki, Japan (Project: 23-IMS-C987).

Basic Biology field

The computation was performed using Research Center for Computational Science, Okazaki, Japan (Project: NIBB, 23-IMS-C987).

Physiological Sciences field

The computation was performed using Research Center for Computational Science, Okazaki, Japan (Project: NIPS, 23-IMS-C987).

When multiple projects are involved

In case multiple projects are involved, list them like 23-IMS-C987, 22-IMS-C968.

How to know Project ID?

You can see the Project IDs related to you at Project ID page (login required). Alternatively, you can get receipt number in the project page at NOUS; you can construct Project ID from the year and the receipt number. The Project IDs are assigned to all the project in FY2013 or later.

Report Output (papers etc.)

NOUS automatically identifies the papers including the project ID in their acknowledgement section. Then, NOUS will send a message to the representative of the project. Once the representative approved it on NOUS, the paper will be recognized as an output of the project.

You can manually register "Output" (papers etc.) for approved/completed applications at NOUS. See far-right column of those sections, you may find a button to access this function if you could not add Project ID in your paper. 


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

  • I can't find Project ID.
  • Receipt number is 5-digits number.
  • NOUS won't send me a message event though I added project ID in acknowledgement text.
  • Project ID page (login required) shows nothing or something not mine.