Before contact...
Please read pages "Frequent Asked questions" or "Known issues".Following ways are avaiable to contact us.
For inquiry about jobs, please give us information listed below if possible.- Queue name and job submission host name
- Job ID
- Error output
- Directory path where you submitted job
- Job script file path
Please send email to rccs-admin_at_ims.ac.jp with the following data. (please replace _at_ with @)
- Your name
- User code (login name)
- Group code
Send message using web form
Please use web form in this page. The answer would be sent by email.Phone, FAX etc.
Our contact address is:Research Center for Computational Scinece,
Okazaki Research Facilities,
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
38 Nishigo-Naka, Myodaiji, Okazaki, 444-8585, Japan
Phone: 0564-55-7462*
FAX: 0564-55-7025
*office hours: 9:00-15:30 on weekdays