Delete jobs (jdel)

(Last update: Apr 17, 2024)

You can delete jobs with "jdel" command. You need to know the job ID before running jdel. The job IDs are listed in the output of jobinfo command. To delete a job, run "jdel (job ID)" command. For example, to delete job 999000, you need to run the following command (don't type leading $).

$ jdel 999000

If jdel succeeded to remove the job, it finishes without any messages. Messages will be shown only if there are errors. It takes a little time after the execution of jdel command before the job actually finishes. Please wait for a while. You can add server name in the job ID part. For example, "jdel 999000.ccpbs1" also works in the case above.

about CPU points

If a job is deleted with jdel, CPU points corresponding to the elapsed time (job duration) of that job will be consumed.

You can't remove other user's jobs

In case you type wrong ID, you can't remove other user's jobs.

If you remove other users's already finished job(s), message like "qdel: Job has finished *********.ccpbs1" may be shown. However, this is just a warning message. This does not mean you killed other user's job. (It is actually a confusing message, though...)

If you can't remove your job(s)

In case your job is involved in a system trouble, some strange things might happen. For example, you can't remove that job anymore or the job restarted when you remove the job with jdel. Please tell us if you met something wrong like that.