How to set your password and put your public key
(Last update: June 3, 2024)
You can set your password of RCCS home page and register your public key to login RCCS login server (ccfep).
- First time user => See "Initialize/Reset Password" section to register password and SSH public keys.
- The email address registered at the time of application is required. (Please check this FAQ item.)
- Modify password/shell/keys => Go to "Edit" tab on the "Account" page. You can change password, login shell , and SSH keys there.
- You need to login first.
- Forgot password => Follow the "Initialize/Reset Password" guide.
- If you already logged in, you need to "log out" first.
- You don't need to change login shell and public keys.
Initialize/Reset Password
- Please use email address provided in the application.
- Account name and password here are independent from those at NOUS.
- If you want to change your registered email address, please check member management page.
- You can register multiple SSH keys; one line per one key. (You can't use multi-line key saved with "Save public key" button of PuTTYgen!)
- The password here is only for this website.
- Password (passphrase) created upon SSH key generation is necessary when you login to our login server (ccfep).
- Corresponding user id is the three characters long one assigned by us; NOT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS.
1. Open RCCS website
Open this page or our top page ( with your web browser. You can see login form on the left if you are not logged in.

(You can use "Log in" link at the top of the page instead. There will be "Reset Password" tab in this page.)
2. Enter Password Reset Menu
Click "Reset Password" link in the form.

If you have already registered your password, please enter RCCS user code (NOT mail address, three characters id assigned by RCCS!) and the password in ID and PASSWORD boxes to login, respectively.
3. Send Registration Guide via Email
Enter your mail address provided in the application form on NOUS or the member management form.

The following message will be shown when you submitted.

4. Check the Email
Please check your email box. You may find the email titled "[RCCS] Replacement login information for (your user code)".

This email is sent only when RCCS recognizes the email address. If you couldn't receive this, please check your registered email address. Please also check spam/junk folders; this email might be considered spam/junk. If you still have trouble in receiving this email, please contact us with your name, user code (three characters long), and email address.
5. One-time login
The following item will be displayed when you open the URL.

Click "Log in" button to enter the setting.
6. Register Password and SSH Public Keys
The following items will be displayed.

Enter your NEW password in "Password" and "Confirm password" boxes. You can also choose your login shell from bash (default), csh, and zsh. SSH public keys can be registered here, too. You can register multiple public keys; one key per one line. (Two Ed25519 keys are registered in the example above.) For SSH keys, please also check quick start guide page.
- The password registered here is only for this website; not for our SSH login server (ccfep). Corresponding user id is the three characters long id given by RCCS.
- The SSH key passphrase must have 10 or more characters and contain four types of characters: symbols, lower case letters, upper case letters, and numbers.
This setting window can be opened from "My account" menu at the top of the page when you already logged in. Please go there if you want to change your password, SSH keys, and login shell setting.
7. Registration Completed
When you save information, following messages will be shown in the page.

As described in the message, it will take up to 20 minutes for changes of the login shell to take effect. Changes of password and SSH public keys will take effect immediately.
The password registered in step 6 is the password only for this website. When you login to the RCCS login server (ccfep), you need to use the password you set upon creating the SSH key.