Quick Start Guide

Last Update: June 3, 2024.

SSH key generation / How to login to RCCS server

In order to proceed with the following operations, the email address registered at the time of application is required. (Please check this FAQ item.)

Please register you SSH prublic key according to the information on "How to set your password and put your public key" page. After that, you can connect to login server "ccfep.ims.ac.jp" using your user ID (three-character ID) and registered key. If you don't have SSH key, guides below might be helpful to you. (PDF version of guide is also available; please see the bottom of this page)

File Transfer via SCP/SFTP

Before trying to transfer files, you should finish the SSH key generation and registration described above.
For WinSCP and FileZilla, we have prepared guides, see below. (PDF version of guide is also available; please see the bottom of this page)
If you have trouble with keys, please update your SCP/SFTP software and retry.

  • WinSCP version (Windows)
  • FileZilla version (Windows, mac, Linux)
  • OpenSSH environment (Terminal.app (mac), Linux, Windows PowerShell etc.)
    • scp/sftp commands are available. Also, sshfs can be used for this purpose.
  • VSCode + SSH FS extension
    • RSA keys may not be available. Please try with ECDSA or Ed25519 keys. (June, 2023)
    • (Remote - SSH extension is not available due to the security limitation. (Mar 3, 2022))

Job Submission Guides


Guides in PDF format

Attachment Size
putty_key_en.pdf 408.42 KB
teraterm_key_en.pdf 579.36 KB
mobaxterm_key_en.pdf 1.15 MB
rccs_winscp_en.pdf 1.11 MB
rccs_filezilla_en.pdf 546.36 KB