Molcas 8.2 for PRIMERGY
Tools for Compiling
- Intel Compiler
- Intel MPI 2017.4.196
- Intel MKL 2017.4.196
Necessary Files for Compiling
- molcas82.tar.gz
- license.dat
- Compile option "-xSSE4.2" is set because verification would be failed with "-xAVX".
- Unless ./configure is executed twice, the built-in blas routine is used.
- For compatibility with Intel MPI, we modified some integer variables to 8 byte integer type.
Procedure of Compiling
#!/bin/csh -f umask 022 set file_molcas=/home/users/${USER}/build/molcas82/molcas82.tar.gz set file_license=/home/users/${USER}/build/molcas82/license.dat set work=/work/users/${USER} set prefix=/local/apl/pg/molcas82 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.4.196//linux/bin/compilervars.csh intel64 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cd ${work} if (-d molcas82) then rm -rf molcas82 endif tar xzf ${file_molcas} cd molcas82 cp ${file_license} . chmod 644 license.dat chmod 700 src mkdir bin cp sbin/molcas.driver bin/molcas chmod +x bin/molcas # sed -i "s/-O2/-O2 -xSSE4.2/" cfg/intel.comp # ... ? # setenv PATH ${prefix}/bin:$PATH setenv MOLCAS_NPROCS 1 # (Workaround) Need to execute './configure' twice. #--- ./configure -compiler intel -parallel -mpiroot ${I_MPI_ROOT} -mpirun ${I_MPI_ROOT}/intel64/bin/mpirun -blas MKL -blas_lib '-mkl -static-intel' -noprompt ./configure -compiler intel -parallel -mpiroot ${I_MPI_ROOT} -mpirun ${I_MPI_ROOT}/intel64/bin/mpirun -blas MKL -blas_lib '-mkl -static-intel' -noprompt # (Workaround for parallel compilation) sed -i 's/all: build/all: build\nutils: ${UTILS}/' Makefile sed -i 's/^\${UTILS}: .*/${UTILS}: ${DIRS} ${EXTERNALS} ${MODULES}/' Makefile sed -i 's/\${UTILS} \$/utils $/' Makefile # (Workaround for intel compiler) sed -i 's/\(SUBROUTINE CHO_SETMAXSHL.*\)/\1\n\!DIR\$ NOOPTIMIZE/' src/cholesky_util/cho_setmaxshl.f sed -i 's/INTEGER\*4 NPROCS/INTEGER*8 NPROCS/' src/caspt2/chovec_io.f sed -i 's/INTEGER\*4 IERROR4/INTEGER*8 IERROR4/' src/caspt2/chovec_io.f sed -i 's/integer\*4 :: rc4, ierr4/integer*8 :: rc4, ierr4/' src/system_util/xabort.f # make Driver # Alternative command "make -j 12 utils" grep -E '^UTILS' Makefile | sed 's/UTILS *= //' | xargs -P 12 -n 1 make # Alternative command "make -j 12 build" grep -E '^PROGRAMS' Makefile | sed 's/PROGRAMS = //' | xargs -P 12 -n 1 make make build setenv MOLCAS_NPROCS 4 molcas verify