Following optional parameters are available.
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -m n
Mail notice: email will be sent you when the job begins(a), ends(e), and aborts(a) for the "PBS -m abe" base. No mails will be sent if "#PBS -m n" is specified. The default is to send only when abort (#PBS -m a). You can use "-m ae" instead of "-m abe" to send mail when the job ends (normally or abnormally). Note: please don't add "b" or "e" when you submit many jobs.
#PBS -r n
Suppress restarting: when the job crashes due to the system trouble, the queuing system tries to restart the job from the beginning. You can suppress this restart mechanism by adding this line in the jobscript. This is useful when the job is not able to restart (due to the temporary files for example). Note: CPU points are not consumed for aborted run. If the job is restarted after the aborting, CPU points of that job are calculated from the elapsed time of restarted run.
#PBS -j oe
Merge outputs: normally, stdout and stderr of the job are saved in different files. If you add this option, stderr output is merged into stdout file. (If you add "-j eo", stdout output is merged into stderr.)
#PBS -N (arbitrary job name)
Job name: you can add name to that job. For example, you can add name "myjob1" by adding "#PBS -N myjob1". Command line option "-N" of jsub has the same functionality. If you don't add the name, the file name of the jobscript will be the name of the job.
For example, following header specification is possible. Send email at the beginning and end of the job execution. This won't restart when the job crashes due to the system trouble. Stderr output is merged into stdout file and the job name is "myhob1".
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=64:mpiprocs=32:ompthreads=2
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -r n
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -N myjob1
# (以下省略)