Additional Resource Request

CPU points

  • Representative person of the project can request extra CPU points if your project (will) run out of points.
  • There are some limitation as below.
    • For Category(A) project, the maximum additional CPU points per request is 80,000.
    • For Category(B) project, total amount of requested additional CPU points should be less than or equal to the initially assigned points. And the total CPU points should be less than or equal to 36,000,000.
    • For Categories (A) and (B) projects, up to 2 requests for CPU points are allowed for a project.

Disk space

  • Please take into account the total size of the disk upon submitting request.

Application Form

Template file is available here.

Where to submit

Please send the filled form to rccs-admin[at] via email. (change [at] to @)

Attachment Size
additional_resource_request_B2024.docx 21.79 KB